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Architects are respected for their skills, and the great job they do in helping us get the right designs for our buildings. In fact, the respect that is accorded to architects borders reverence; often, their world is taken as the gospel truth and as the final word. While this is a commendable thing, there are times when one can consider breaking a rule or two that has been set by these experts. This is because although most of the rules set apart by architects are meant to help us come up with high quality buildings, one may have ideas that haven’t been incorporated.

Below are examples of rules for architects that you can break;

  1. Embrace creativity; architects tend to design their buildings and projects based on the technical aspects of the task at hand. They thus tend to give creativity little priority and as a home owner, you may think otherwise.
  2. Mix and Match. Architects are renowned for their uniformity and again, this may mean that they give creativity and other design aspects a wide berth. Thus, even when advised to use the normal floor for your home or office, don’t desist from using tiles on the hallway or bathroom if you feel that’s what you need for your home.
  3. Blocks vs. stones; nowadays, people are not necessarily going for the traditional building stones, but rather specially made building blocks. Although an architect may discourage you from using these blocks, truth is that they are equally strong and durable as stones.
  4. Budget; budget is always a thorny issue for home owners and architects make it worse by making it appear like you have to spend your last coin if you have to end up with a high quality building. Well, you can work on a small budget and equally end up with a great structure.
  5. Embrace technology; most architects prefer to do things the old school way, and while this is a good thing, don’t hesitate to embrace technology where possible.
  6. Holistic approach; an architect will tell you to concentrate on the building at hand first, rather than taking two projects at a go. Again, you can differ; even as the main house is under construction, find time to visualize, and make arrangements for your garden, and all that will come with it.
  7. Combine your taste; most architects advice you to settle for one style; if you want a traditional design, or modern and contemporary design, or whatever you fancy. But there is a way you can combine two or more styles into the same building to come up with a unique and captivating design.
  8. Robotic automation; like mentioned, most architects want to do things the old school way, where they plan and budget for a project based on traditional factors. However, you can incorporate robotic automation to reduce and save on the human labor, even reduce risks of human injuries.
  9. Fancy lighting; often, an architect will recommend that you go for the traditional lighting, above the ceiling. But interior designers are increasingly advocating for lighting placed on walls to illuminate home owners from sideways, and not from above.
  10. Your favorite colors; there are times you’ll differ with your architect, when they recommend colors that you think otherwise about. Again, this is another area where you can break a rule, and opt for the colors that satisfy your heart.


Architects are respected experts in the construction of every building; but bending a rule here and there once in a while won’t do much harm.

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